England: Is your GP Practice accredited for veterans?

Patient with doctor

Becoming accredited for Remembrance Day is a chance for GP practices to recognise and support those men and women who have served in the Armed Forces. (Dr (Brigadier Retired) Robin Simpson, RCGP Clinical Champion for Veterans).

Did you know that with an estimated two million veterans in the UK, a GP may see a veteran patient every day on average?

When your GP practice becomes veteran friendly accredited, your practice team is supported to identify veteran patients in the first instance, ensuring they don’t go unnoticed.

Being able to identify and support veteran patients is crucial to ensure best outcomes, as they may face different health challenges to the general population.

Join the 1,500+ practices accessing free information to support veterans for best outcomes. 99% practices recommend it.

Accreditation is currently open to GP practices in England. We are working with the Devolved Nations to extend the programme.

Add your GP Practice to accredited veteran friendly services