Mission Motorsport launches the National Transition Event 2023

Mission Motorsport, The Forces’ Motorsport Charity has announced that the National Transition Event (the NTE) will take place on the 27th February 2023 at ‘The Wing’, Silverstone Circuit’s state of the art conference centre.

The event provides unique opportunities for service leavers, veterans and military spouses to mix with companies from the automotive and renewable energy sectors. Plus service charities, government agencies and the Ministry of Defence (MOD).

As well as finding out more about employment and accessing support you will be able to participate in workshops and access support.


The exhibiting companies will be inviting their existing veteran to attend and you will be able to access help with:

– Help with practical CV writing, LinkedIn advice and job interview techniques

– Speaking with a variety of automotive companies

– Talking to companies from the rapidly growing ‘green energy’ sectors

– Accessing a range of service charities and government agencies

– Speaking with other employers from a range of industries

– Access to the Mission Motorsport Troops Track Day

Keynote speaker

Ben Saunders

Ben Saunders, a world-record holding polar explorer and three times Ted Talks speaker will share his inspirational experiences of facing adversity during his explorations. And show how he pushed himself physically and mentally. Ben is an advocate for climate technologies and will also share his experience of how climate change is adversely affecting our planet.

Mission Motorsport Troops Track Day

This event will run concurrently giving attendees the chance to experience exhilarating passenger rides around the iconic Silverstone GP Circuit. Previous days have seen Ben Collins, (Former BBC Top Gear’s Stig), Jodie Kidd and Sir Chris Hoy behind the wheel.

Speaking about the National Transition Event, James Cameron, CEO, Mission Motorsport said:

We are thrilled to be able to host the National Transition Event once again.  Regardless of rank or length of service, transitioning from the military is daunting for everybody. By looking at transition in its entirety, we are enabling people to access the tools needed to be successful and give them piece of mind that there are employers who recognise their unique skillsets, and services willing to support.Thanks to the ongoing support of all the companies, charities, Government Agencies and MoD, the 2023 event is going to be the biggest in the NTE’s history and we are looking forward to seeing everybody in February.

The NTE will be free to attend for both those from the military community as well as companies wishing to exhibit.  For those wanting a greater role in the day, sponsorship opportunities are available.