One-off payment for eligible war widows

Widows of serving personnel who forfeited their pensions, prior to 2015, could be eligible for a one-off payment of £87,500.

Image shows a glass full of coins and green shoots growing from the jar

Previously, rules meant that bereaved spouses, civil partners and eligible partners forfeited their pensions if they remarried or cohabited before 2015.

The new joint initiative from the Ministry of Defence and the Treasury and is justified under a key principle of the Armed Forces Covenant. A key principle of the Covenant is that special consideration is appropriate in some cases, especially for those who have given so much, such as the injured and the bereaved.

The scheme and one-off payment are designed to support those whose spouses’ death was attributable to service. And is part of the government’s continued support for the armed forces, their families and veterans.

How to apply

The application window will open later this year. And all those who are eligible are strongly encouraged to come forward and apply.

The process will remain open for two years with support for applicants provided by the Veterans UK Call Centre.

Welfare support will be available through the Veterans Welfare Service for those who require emotional support during the process.

Minister for Defence People, Veterans and Service Families, Dr Andrew Murrison shared:

Our war widows have made a great sacrifice for our country and we will continue to support them in every way we can. This payment is a small but important step towards continuing to honour the commitment we have made to these brave people and we will continue to ensure they receive the recognition and support they deserve.

And Chief Secretary to the Treasury John Glen said:

The legacy of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for this country endures, and it’s only right that we honour that service by doing right by their loved ones.

“This government will always stand behind our armed forces, their families and veterans and this payment is a token of our continued commitment to them.