Stay in touch with your shipmates virtually

Sparko TV provides an easy way of keeping up with other, older veterans online. And thanks to a collaboration between the Royal Naval Association (RNA), and the Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC) older naval veterans can use it for free.

The small Sparko kit works by connecting to your TV, through a HMDI port. If your TV is up to 15 years old this should be automatically included. Also provided is a webcam, and an easy to operate remote control.

As well as staying in touch with friends, family and colleagues you will also be able to access content such as fitness classes and documentaries, and set reminders.

And you don’t need to have any privacy concerns. The camera is only active if you are on a call or taking a class. When not in use a slider is available to cover the camera.

Feedback from users demonstrates that they find it much easier to use the TV to connect rather than smaller devices. And Spark TV helps them to manage their wellbeing, by combatting loneliness.

I can ring anyone and I can actually see them. At last, we can see each other! (Ernie Davies, RNA Sparko TV participant)

If you know of anyone who would benefit from Spark TV please ask them to fill in the expression of interest form. This should be emailed to Lynda Pearson, the RNA Welfare Programme Manager. Or sent by post to Bldg 1/087 Scott Rd, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth, PO1 3LU. You can also contact Lynda by phone on 07591 829416.