Covid -19: Safety advice for survivors of domestic abuse

During these unprecedented times many people are reporting that they feel unsafe and are either experiencing or are in fear of their partner causing them physical harm.

The National Domestic Abuse helpline has seen a 25% increase in calls and online requests for help since the lockdown and campaigners have warned the restrictions could heighten domestic tensions and cut off escape routes.

Last year 1.6 million women in England and Wales experienced domestic abuse, and “while in lockdown or self-isolation, women and children are likely to be spending concentrated periods of time with perpetrators, potentially escalating the threat of domestic abuse and further restricting their freedom.

Police are emphasising that women and men facing abuse at home during the lockdown should still report their experiences to police and seek support from domestic abuse services.

Many cases of recent domestic abuse have been related to parents being unable to visit their children who are the subject of Child Arrangements Orders made by the Family Court. The current  crisis is making it very difficult for parents to meet the requirements of these court orders safely and in what is already a very stressful time, these orders are putting extra strain on these households. For advice and support regarding Child arrangement orders you can visit the Courts and Tribunals Judiciary website.

If you are concerned for the safety of yourself or someone else in your household, there is help out there and you do not have to suffer in silence.

The National Domestic Abuse Helpline offers the option of contacting them through its website, with a quick exit button which ensures no record of the attempt is left on the phone.

The majority of cases reported are against women, however, men are also at risk. The domestic abuse charity Women’s Aid have a great deal of advice and support available and if you are a man experiencing abuse from your partner or someone in your household the men’s charity Mankind also offer advice and support.

Contact Veterans’ Gateway now for advice and support on 0808 802 1212.