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Find out how many UK armed forces veterans live in your constituency

Back in 2021 the census for England and Wales included a question on veterans, for the first time.

People aged 16 and over were asked whether they had previously served in the regular or reserve UK armed forces, or both.

A veteran is anyone who has served in the armed forces for at least one day.

Thanks to the House of Commons Library users can now explore a dashboard that shows the number and proportion of UK armed forces veterans in constituencies in England and Wales.

The data reflects the population on Census Day, 21 March 2021.

Across England and Wales, 1.85 million people reported that they had previously served in the UK armed forces (76% in the regular forces, 19% in the reserve forces and 4% in both).

This represents 3.8% (almost 1 in 25) of the total population aged 16 or over.

If you’re not sure of your constituency the data enables you to search for that. And you can find  the top 20 constituencies which contain the highest proportion of veterans.