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Information for Service Personnel & Veterans who served in Afghanistan

Previously, the Ministry of Defence (MOD) established an independent statutory inquiry to investigate and report on allegations of wrongdoing by the British Armed Forces in relation to their conduct of deliberate detention operations in Afghanistan.

The inquiry investigated alleged activity during the period mid-2010 to mid-2013.

If your service in Afghanistan includes these years you are advised to follow the guidance within these letters from the Chief of the General Staff, the Joint Chiefs and the Permanent Secretary:

All staff letter: Independent Inquiry relating to Afghanistan: All Staff Letter

And the Letter from General Sir Patrick Sanders

The letters relate to the Independent Inquiry relating to Afghanistan (IIA) which is chaired by the Lord Justice Haddon-Cave and holds the status of a statutory inquiry.

It is therefore fully independent of Government and the MOD.

You are also encouraged to widely share the above documents/links with everyone who served in Afghanistan.

Particularly those who served in the United Kingdom Special Forces in Afghanistan over the period mid-2010 to mid-2013.

Welfare and legal support is also available, where necessary, as mentioned in the letters.

(Editors note: Thanks to REME charity for highlighting the information which has been adapted for Veterans’ Gateway)