LGBT Veterans: Apply for restorative measures

Following on from the publication of the Etherton review if you, or someone you know, was impacted by the ban on LGBT personnel in the UK’s Armed Forces between 1967 and 2000, you/they may be eligible for restorative measures.

Register or apply for restorative measures

There are  3 categories:

– pre-existing restorative measures

– new restorative measures

– planned restorative measures

Pre-existing and how to apply

These measures were already in progress or available before the review was published. They have different processes to the new and planned restorative measures.

Apply via the links in section Information on existing services and restorative measures

New restorative measures

You can apply for all the new and upcoming restorative measures by completing the relevant application and registration of interest form.

Apply via the links in section Information on new and upcoming restorative measures

Planned restorative measures

These are expected to be available in 2024. Updates will be added when the measures become available under section Planned restorative measures

How long does an application take?

When you apply you will receive confirmation of your application by email or post.

The time it will take to process your application depends on the measures applied for.

All applicants should be contacted by Defence within six months of applying.

Defence are unfortunately to provide updates on applications before this point.