Referral Partner visits to the Contact Centre in Wales

Person with mobile phone

If your charity has joined Veterans’ Gateway as a Referral Partner you are very welcome to come and visit the Contact Centre team in Wales.

The visit will give you an insight into the day to day running of the Veterans’ Gateway service and how your organisation can benefit from working closely with the Contact Centre team.

Visits can take whatever format you are comfortable with, such as an informal discussion and Q&A session.

If your team cannot attend in person we are also very happy to arrange a virtual session.

We have already had several successful visits from charities and share some feedback:

After a visit by Colin Leslie, Head of External Relations for Scottish Veterans Residences (SVR) said:

Veterans Gateway play a vital role as a first point of contact to veterans and their families, and out meeting was informative and educational.

I was given the opportunity to brief the team on the work of SVR and how we support veterans who are homeless and at risk of homelessness across our three sites in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dundee. The Veterans Gateway team illustrated to me the vital work they do, dealing with in the region of 80-100 calls on a typical day, and providing specialist support and advice to veterans and their families.

I was very impressed by the team’s professionalism and expertise, as well as the care and compassion they show when dealing with a wide range of issues affecting veterans. By seeing their work up close, it reinforced how proud we are to have this partnership, and the important role Veterans Gateway plays in sign-posting those in need to appropriate organisations and charities across the UK, including SVR.

Sue Holloway, Health & Wellbeing Service Development and Casework Manager from RMA The Royal Marines Charity shared:

My visit to the Contact Centre proved very beneficial as not only was I able to find out more about how calls to the Contact Centre are managed (I was able to listen in on a call), but the visit also provided the opportunity to provide a brief about the areas of delivery our charity provide which will ensure the staff are more informed and given the relevant advice to Royal Marine veterans and their families.

Arrange your visit

You can arrange your visit to the Contact Centre by emailing Callee Andrew.