Steam Train in North Yorks

Support for veterans in North Yorkshire

Are you active within the military and/or veteran community in North Yorkshire? If so your valuable support is needed.

A study is looking into the provisions, services and facilities that are available in the area to support military personnel, veterans, and their families.

North Yorkshire Sport is collaborating with the University of the West of Scotland to undertake the research. And you can help by taking part in a questionnaire.

The study aims to understand existing provisions, as well as any gaps or weaknesses.

It will also explore the veteran and military communities’ attachment to place and pride in where they live, with an emphasis on placing the communities of North Yorkshire at the heart of the study.

The questionnaire should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.

If you have any questions about the study, please email Dr Rebecca O’Hanlon, the lead investigator, or North Yorkshire Sport