Take part in a unique survey for veterans

An exciting collaboration between The Office of National Statistics and the Office for Veterans’ Affairs needs your input, now.

Veterans Survey poster

You will be taking part in a UK wide veterans’ survey. This aims to understand the experiences, needs and well-being of the veteran community, and to guide future action.

Families are also encouraged to take part.

The UK Government wants to make the UK the best place for veterans to live by 2028. Change has already started. as the Census has counted UK Armed Forces veterans, for the first time.

By taking part in this survey, you will help to produce statistics about the lives of the UK Armed Forces community, veterans, and their families.

This means that government departments, public bodies and charities will be able to use the anonymous findings from this survey to make plans.

You do not need to have seen active combat or been in the Armed Forces in a particular role or rank. If you have served for one day, you are considered a veteran and can take part.

The questions in the survey ask about access to services and circumstances since leaving the Armed Forces. The survey also asks about your lifestyle, health, and well-being.

This is your unique opportunity to share experiences and your responses will provide information not available from any other sources.

Your views matter, so please take part today. Do not miss this chance to have your say. You have until 3rd February, 2023 to participate, although this date is subject to change.