Telephone friendship group for older seafarers

Age UK has launched a telephone friendship group for seafarers over 60. The calls take place on the same day every week, last for 45 minutes and provide a safe environment to make friends.

Image of Peter holding phone and saying how helpful the group has been

How do the calls work?

All you need is a landline or mobile phone. The calls are facilitated by Age UK’s secure automated system. If you miss a call you can ring the team’s friendly helpline and someone will connect you to the group. All calls are free.

Who can join?

Joiners could include:

– Merchant Navy
– Royal Navy
– Royal Fleet Auxiliary
– Royal Marines
– Fishermen
– Anyone else who has worked at sea in any capacity.

Spouses, partners and family members of anyone with a seafaring background are also welcome.

Are there any restrictions to joining?

The friendship group isn’t suitable for those needing high level support. For individuals with mental health issues, dementia or memory loss the calls could worsen existing conditions.

Can I refer someone to the group?

Yes, you can. And please ensure you have their consent before referring someone to the group.

How do I sign up?

To sign up ring 0800 434 6105 or send an email.