Veterans’ Health Priority Setting Partnership survey

The Veterans’ Health Priority Setting Partnership survey is taking place in Northern Ireland.

The Northern Ireland Veterans’ Support Office is part of the Steering Group organising this work, and they want to make sure that as many different perspectives as possible are represented in the survey responses, especially from veterans in Northern Ireland.

The survey is in partnership with the James Lind Alliance and asks what needs investigating to help improve care for former service personnel and their families, friends and carers.

This work is being carried out as part of a Priority Setting Partnership led by veterans, family members, charities and healthcare professionals.

With your help the Partnership will identify the Top 10 priorities for research that would improve quality of life for veterans and their families and supporters.

Participants are encouraged to offer suggestions or comments about all areas of physical and mental health and wellbeing that need further investigation.  All contributions are welcome whether in brief, or in more detail.

The survey is due to close on the 30th April, 2023.