Veterans needed to take part in research about PTSD symptoms

Researchers from the University of Leicester, investigating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms, need UK service veterans to help with their evaluations.

Hands holding lightbulb

Estimates of PTSD in service veterans are thought to be as high as 17%, and getting support for PTSD requires clinical diagnosis. As this is usually based on self-report questionnaires or clinical interviews it may lack sensitivity, particularly for working-age veterans.

Already, there is evidence that PTSD symptoms are associated with subtle changes in the way the brain processes sensory information.

To develop successful tests, researchers need the participation of a representative sample of UK service veterans with operational experience.

You can help the researchers by taking part in research which evaluates computer-based, visual tasks that are sensitive to these changes in individuals with PTSD.

Your participation means that these tests will provide an objective measure of PTSD symptoms, if successful.

This can be used to improve the accuracy of diagnosis, support clinical decision-making, and evaluate treatment outcomes of veterans.

Taking part

– You will need to be aged 18-65 and a UK service veteran

– Testing sessions are at the University of Leicester’s main campus in the city.

– Tests will last no longer than 4 hours with breaks. You can complete some questionnaires beforehand to reduce this time.

Participants will receive £60 to compensate for time and cover travel expenses. If you have any questions please contact Dr Sam Tyler.