Why you should get a pension forecast

The Forces Pension Society always recommends that you request a forecast for your spouse’s pension.

"Empower" on folder and calculator

Otherwise, you may be surprised by the amount you receive on the death of your loved one.

This is particularly relevant if you have any pre-73/78 service, or have remarried.

For instance, it’s common for widows to assume they will receive half of their spouses’ pensions. But in some instances they can end up with much less.

To avoid making this painful discovery, during an already stressful time, please write to:

Veterans UK
Pensions Division
Mail Point 480
Kentigern House
65 Brown Street
Glasgow G2 8EX

You can also find more detailed information on the MOD website

For more general information about pensions see useful Veterans’ Gateway guides, written in partnership with theĀ Forces Pension Society. These include Armed Forces Pension Schemes and Unclaimed Service Pensions

You can also search for other guides including War Pension Schemes via Veterans’ Gateway Self help

Our knowledgeable helpline team is also on hand to assist you 24/7.