Are you a veteran and struggling to find a job?

Housing advice for veterans and ex-military - people having a meeting around table

“We know that if you fix employment, then housing, finance, relationships, health – pretty much every other aspect of successful transition follows.” Vice-Marshal Ray Lock CBE

Is your job searching getting you down? At Veterans’ Gateway we’re helping veterans and their families 24/7 across all areas of need including employment.

Help yourself by reading our employment guides which are filled with useful tips and information including advice on how you can transfer your military skills to civilian life and creating an eye-grabbing CV.

When searching for employment advice you can also select your location for most relevant results.

We also partner with high profile organisations to provide high quality advice. And all our Referral Partners have proven experience of assisting veterans and their families, including Career Transition Partnership and RFEA.

Read this story and find out how we helped veteran Alex Askew, ex-RAF Regiment.

And if you need to talk to a person our helpful advisors are available 24/7 for your calls, texts, emails and chats (details at the top of this page).