How Stoll helped Josh find a new home

Josh spent six years serving in the Army with the Royal Engineers. He joined in 2011 at the age of 20 and spent time on tour in Canada, Germany, Cyprus and Northern Ireland.

“I came from a town where there weren’t many opportunities and I already had a background in construction and plumbing, so the Royal Engineers was a great fit for me.

“I represented the Army in Karate and got a bronze medal. There were so many opportunities available and I built up my practical skills in the Engineers too. I loved my time there and I’m very proud to be a Sapper, I couldn’t have asked for a better bunch of soldiers.”

Unfortunately, Josh was medically discharged in August 2017. After a potential flatmate let Josh down, he ended up living in a caravan. “I really had a lot to sort out on being discharged from the Army. I found out about Stoll through the PRU and was recommended to apply to their Veterans’ Nomination Scheme.”

The Scheme provides access to housing for ex-Service men and women who are looking to move on from temporary accommodation after a period of homelessness or for those who have found themselves living in unsuitable accommodation.

The VNS is run by two of our partners, Stoll and The Royal British Legion. The Scheme has housed over 430 Veterans since it started as a pilot in 2009. It covers the whole of England and there are currently over 90 partner landlords.

“Within 6 weeks of first applying to the VNS, I had the keys to my flat. I wanted a property in London because the job prospects are better here and I even have a garden for my rescue dog Mowgli. Stoll sorted me out in six weeks when I was in dire straights – I couldn’t recommend them enough. I’m looking ahead to the future and I’m excited to see what it holds.

“Moving to London changed my life”


Listen to Josh talk about his experience of transitioning to civilian life and how he found a place to live through the Veterans’ Nomination Scheme.

Get in touch

If you are a veteran and are in need of support, a range of help and information is available from all our Veterans’ Gateway referral partners.

Call 0808 802 1212 or text 81212